Thermophysical Properties Research Laboratory, Inc.
Phone : 765-463-1581
General Questions & Answers
Why would you want to use our services ?
TPRL, Inc. is a 59 year old organization (1965-2024) that is set up to do measurements of material properties. In general, we do not try to sell equipment. Our company focus is to provide accurate, fast, and cost effective measurements of many material properties. Many companies and governments both large and small use our services to get the accurate results of their material properties. For these companies it is more cost effective to use our services rather than do it themselves. TPRL, Inc. already has the equipment and the trained and knowledgeable people that are necessary to get results. Our knowledgeable staff have performed thousands of measurements and written thousands of reports for hundreds of companies. With this impressive background of experience your company will get the results it needs.

What does my company get for the money?
Your company will get a PDF report that contains tables and graphs of the results TPRL, Inc. obtained. You will also get a description of the equipment that was used to get the results and most importantly you will get an interpretation of what the data means. All of our experiments are calibrated regularly with N.I.S.T. certified traceable standards so you will know your data has traceability. A PDF of the report is now standard issue. The TPRL report data can be supplied in Excel format as well.

Our company was thinking of buying our own equipment to do this work. Is this a this good idea?
For some companies it may be a good idea to purchase your own equipment to do your own measurement work. This could be especially true if you are going to have constant quality control work. For most companies that are developing new materials or are doing spot quality control checks ,it can be more cost effective to use our services. Not only do you have to consider the cost of the equipment that you would have to buy, you have to consider maintenance, upkeep cost and calibration. Sure, one piece of equipment may cost only 80 thousand dollars, but a replacement measuring head may cost 7 thousand dollars. With just a couple of accidents you can really increase your basic cost. Of course that only covers the equipment. You will also have to hire knowledgeable people to run the equipment in order to get accurate results. For that same basic cost of just the equipment you can get a considerable amount of measurement work done at TPRL, Inc. What TPRL, Inc. offers is the equipment and trained personnel that have considerable background experience in the measurements of thermal properties. This allows your company to retain its focus on developing new materials or products.

What about the data TPRL, Inc. collects?
All of the data that TPRL, Inc. collects is proprietary to the company we are doing the work for. We do not share data with other companies. We routinely sign non-disclosures agreements with the companies we do work for. For extra sensitive work we have other options available. Please contact us for more details.

What is the background of TPRL, Inc.?
The organization, Thermophysical Properties Research Laboratory, (TPRL) has been in operation for over 59 years (1965-2024). For 30 years our organization (1965-1995) was part of the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. In 1995, Purdue University decided to divest it's interest in our organization so it could better serve the research community, thus TPRL, Inc. was formed. Our company , which is privately owned, continues to have the same professional staff as before and we still do joint research projects with Purdue University. Many of our staff have written books, articles, and publications on different measurement techniques that we have developed over the years. Since Research is part of our company name, the staff continually work on developing new measuring techniques and procedures that keep us up to date with the ever changing technology.

What about joint research projects?
Our company has worked for many years with other companies who sponsor research independently or through Purdue University into investigating new measurement techniques of thermal properties. We are currently involved in research into molten metal properties and into thin film properties. Doing a joint research project can be beneficial for all parties involved. Not only can it be more cost effect for all parties involved but it can lead to more revolutionary ideas for measurement techniques.

Who can do business with TPRL, Inc.?
Just about anyone can do business with TPRL, Inc.. Our company has done business with governments (both USA and Non-USA), private companies, universities, and private individuals.

What about payment options?
TPRL, Inc. takes Purchase Orders (net 30 after invoicing), Short and Long term Contracts, Checks, Money Orders, Visa and Mastercard.

Who do I contact about additional questions or about getting work done?
Our friendly staff can be reached at (765) 463-1581 or by fax at (765) 463-5235.
E-mail inquires / questions can be sent to

Thermophysical Properties Measured

Thermal Conductivity

Thermal Diffusivity

Specific Heat

Thermal Expansion

Electrical Resistivity


Thermal Gravimetric Analysis & Simultaneous Thermal Analysis


ASTM Methods

Sample Sizes & Definitions

Test Selector Tool

Copyright 2024 TPRL, Inc.
3080 Kent Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Last updated 7/1/2024